Italweber bulb attack E10 size 10x28 12V 3W 0910803

Italweber bulb attack E10 size 10x28 24V 3W 0910806

Italweber bulb BA9S attack size 10x28 30V 3W 0910999

Italweber bulb BA9S attack size 10x28 24V 3W 0910993

Italweber bulb BA9S attack size 10x28 110/130V 2,6W 0911010

Italweber bulb attack E10 size 10x28 220V 3W 0910821

Italweber bulb attack E14 size 16x54 24V 5W 0910914

Italweber bulb BA9S attack size 10x28 60V 3W 0911007

Italweber bulb attack E10 size 10x28 24V 1,2W 0910804

Italweber bulb attack E14 size 16x54 220V 5W 0910931

Italweber bulb BA9S attack size 10x28 48V 3W 0911004

Italweber bulb BA9S attack size 10x28 12V 2W 0910989

Italweber bulb attack BA9S size 10x28 240V 2,4W 0911013

Italweber bulb attack E14 size 16x54 12V 5W 0910911

Wimex signal and indicator light bulb E14 5W 24V 4102109

Wimex incandescent bulb BA9S 2W 2500K 24V 10x28 4101119

Italweber bulb attack E14 size 16x54 130V 5W 0910926

Wimex incandescent bulb E14 3W 2500K 24V 16x54 4102107

Italweber bulb attack E14 size 16x54 260V 5W 0910936

Ave LED lamp E10 230V 10X22mm 10X22mm 0230LDW/E10

Wimex neon fluorine bulb BA9S 220V 2500K 10x28 4102251

Wimex signal and indicator light bulb BA9S 3W 48V 4101131

Wimex incandescent lightbulb E14 40W 2500K 240V 20x112 4104050

Wimex incandescent bulb E10 3W 2500K 24V 10x28 4101220

Wimex signal and indicator light bulb BA7S 2W 12V 4100703

Wimex incandescent bulb BA9S 3W 2500K 220V 10x28 4101138

Wimex incandescent bulb E14 5W 2500K 220V 16x54 4102168

Wimex signal and indicator light bulb E10 3W 220V 4101238

Wimex incandescent bulb BA9S 2.4W 2500K 240V 10x28 4101144

Wimex incandescent light bulb E10 2.4W 2500K 240V 10x28mm 4101284

Wimex incandescent bulb BA9S 2W 2500K 30V 10x28 4101126

Wimex incandescent bulb E14 3W 2500K 220V 16x54 4102128

Wimex incandescent bulb E14 5W 2500K 12V 16x54 4102104

Wimex incandescent bulb BA9S 2.6W 2500K 110V 10x28 4101136

Wimex incandescent bulb BA9S 3W 2500K 24V 9x23 4101317

Wimex Incandescent Bulb BA9S 3W 2500K 24V 10x28 4101120

Wimex incandescent bulb BA9S 3W 2500K 30V 9x23 4101322

Wimex signal and indicator light bulb E10 3W 12V 4101216

Wimex signal and indicator light bulb BA9S 3W 4101127